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Paulo Coelho- The Way of the Bow


This is a great read for both patient and impatient readers. It will take you about an hour to and hour and a half to read but it carries tons of life lessons. Wisdom in a nutshell.


“The Way of the Bow” relates the story of Tetsuya, the best archer of the country, who conveys his teachings to a boy in his village. Throughout the story, several thoughts are reflected; our daily efforts and work, how to overcome difficulties, steadfastness, courage to take risky decisions, etc.
Paulo Coelho expressed in these few pages many of the values which inspire our daily work: innovation, flexibility, adaptation to changes, enthusiasm, team work.''

“I wrote this text in which bow, arrow, target and archer form an integral part of the same system of growth and challenge.” . — Paulo Coelho

Arthur Hailey- Overload


With the recent powercuts in the area where I live, this has been the perfect book to read by the candlelight.


The book starts of a bit slow but the plot gets more interesting as the events at GSP&L (electricity generating company) unravel. The power crisis affects different people, one of them being a very strong woman quadriplegic.


I like how the arthur[sic] weaves many stories into one captivating story.


Mary Higgins Clark- The Craddle Will Fall


Katie takes a sleeping pill and in the haze of things she sees a crime going on. However, she is not sure if she really witnessed that. She has to undergo an operation but she suspects something not good about her doctor.



She decides to investigate the doctor, who is popular for making women who cannot bear kids conceive. She has to uncover the doctor's doings before she is operated.


I know this sounds cliched but this book is a page turner. It will keep you on the edge of your seat!




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