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"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference." 

Robert Frost




When I'm happy I write

When I'm sad I write

But what do I do

When my emotions are concocted like the 7th street shady liquor store cocktail?

Maybe I should take slow sips til the taste is distinct.

Sweet, sour, bitter...

or maybe I should just close my eyes and hope the emotions recede...

or better still, let tears of my ink trail over this paper

I know when the trail dries, my feelings will be distinct.


I guess all I'm saying is, whatever the situation...

I write.

before u sing, compose
before u judge, look in the mirror
before u throw, aim
before u choose, decide
before u hate, love
before u accept, know
before u lie, just don't...
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